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Deed of Novation & Variation of Tenancy


The Deed of Novation & Variation Tenancy Agreement is an essential legal document designed to address changes in a tenancy agreement, both in terms of the parties involved and the specific terms of the contract.

  • Professionally Drafted & Regularly Updated
  • Written in Plain English – Easy to Use & Edit
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Instant download with guidance notes

This Deed of Novation & Variation Tenancy Agreement serves two primary functions:

  • Novation: This process allows for the transfer of all rights and obligations from the outgoing tenant (or landlord) to a new incoming party. The novation effectively replaces the original contract, creating a new legal relationship between the incoming party and the remaining party (usually the landlord). This ensures that the outgoing tenant is released from their duties, and the new tenant assumes full responsibility under the terms of the tenancy.
  • Variation: In addition to novating the contract, this deed also permits amendments to the existing terms of the tenancy agreement. Whether it's adjusting the rent, modifying the duration of the lease, or updating clauses to reflect new legal requirements, the variation component allows the tenancy to stay relevant and fair for all parties involved.

When to Use the Deed of Novation & Variation Tenancy Agreement

This Deed of Novation & Variation Tenancy Agreement is particularly valuable in the following scenarios:

  • Transfer of Tenancy: When a tenant wishes to exit the tenancy, and a new tenant is ready to take over, this deed ensures a smooth transition. The new tenant steps into the shoes of the outgoing tenant, assuming all their obligations (e.g., rent payments, property maintenance) and rights (e.g., the right to occupy the property).
  • Modification of Lease Terms: If there is a need to alter the terms of the tenancy—such as changing the rental amount, extending or reducing the lease period, or updating specific clauses—this deed formalises those changes, ensuring they are legally binding and agreed upon by all parties.
  • Change of Landlord or Property Ownership: In cases where the ownership of the property changes hands, this deed allows the new owner to assume the role of the landlord under the existing tenancy agreements. It also provides a mechanism for the new landlord to make any necessary updates to the agreement.

The effectiveness of the deed hinges on the agreement of all involved parties—the outgoing tenant, the incoming tenant, and the landlord. Their signatures are required to make the novation and variation legally binding.

The novation aspect of the deed essentially creates a new contract, which may include revised terms to better suit the current situation. This process also releases the outgoing tenant from any future obligations under the original agreement.

This Deed of Novation & Variation Tenancy Agreement is in Microsoft Word format, written in plain English, easy to use and edit.

Check My Template Service


If you need help with editing your Template the Check My Template Service is the solution for you.

With our Check My Template Service, a lawyer will check over your edited document to ensure the information you added is correct and the document is complete, legally binding and will achieve your goals. We will also check that your use of defined terms is correct and consistent and correct spelling mistakes, so that you can be confident that your edited document template is ready for signature.

What You Get: 

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 We return your reviewed document ready to sign within 2 working days

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We aim for a 7 day turnaround - you will receive an email notification when your template is ready for download from our website.

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