About Us


 Helping people and businesses access expert legal services at affordable prices!

The Legal Stop is a collective of UK solicitors, barristers and experts working together with a common mission: To Help You Achieve Your goals.

Each of our lawyers specialises in a particular area of law, you’ll not find a generalist lawyer in our team, thus we can provide you with the best expert legal knowledge available and get more and better things done at affordable prices. 

Our success is not only due to the quality of our work; it’s down to attitude, our approach and the way we treat our clients. We like to roll a bit differently, we are non-traditional, valued for our ideas and creative engagement - think of us as extra members of your team with all the legal skills you need.

The Legal Stop Limited is an unregulated legal support consultancy and not a law firm, we are not authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and we do not conduct any “reserved” legal activities as defined under S12 of the Legal Services Act 2007, such as the conduct of litigation and the exercise of rights of audience.

The Legal Stop Limited is a company registered and incorporated in England and Wales, company registration number: 07394508. The Legal Stop Limited is also registered as a Data Controller with the ICO under Data Protection Registration Number: Z320631X.

How We Work

We have a few simple values that help us stay true to our mission


We believe that each client is unique thus, while we share our knowledge and experience we listen hard to understand your needs. We are 100% committed to helping you achieve your goals, no matter what it takes to get there!


We Love What We Do – We combine knowledge and passion. Fuelled by the passion for helping you achieve your goals we provide quick and accurate solutions to your legal needs. We don't just talk the talk, we also walk the walk!


We believe that knowledge is power, by working together in a collective model we can build teams based on the needs of each individual client combining expert knowledge and experience, achieving best results. We are truly agile and flexible.

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  • If we don’t have your template we can draft it for you
  • We aim for 7-day turnaround – you get notified when your template is ready
  • No obligation & No extra costs!

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