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Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract


The Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract provides your business with comprehensive terms and conditions of employment used for employees looking to work on a part-time fixed term basis.

  • Professionally Drafted & Regularly Updated
  • Written in Plain English – Easy to Use & Edit
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
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Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract

This Part Time Fixed-Term Employment Contract is useful and effective for hiring staff on a part time fixed term basis; this agreement cannot be used for employing on an indefinite period.

A Fixed-Term Employment Contract is a contract that:

  • ends on a particular date, or
  • ends on completion of a specific task

Employees on Fixed-Term Contracts are entitled to the same rights as permanent staff working for the same employer and they are protected from less favourable treatment as compared to permanent employees by the Fixed-Term Employees Regulations.

Fixed-Term Contracts will normally end automatically when they reach the agreed end date; the employer doesn’t have to give any notice. This Contract contains two options for you to choose from; it allows for the contract to terminate automatically on the expiry of the fixed-term without the need for the employer to give the employee specific notice or not expire until and unless notice is given.

Also, this Contract allows for the employer to terminate the contract earlier, before the expiry of the fixed-term as it contains a notice provision in this regard. Without this notice provision if an employer terminates a fixed term contract, before the expiry of the fixed-term, he/she would be liable to pay the employee damages for breach of contract based on the employee's remuneration until the end of the fixed-term.

This Part Time Fixed-Term Employment Contract is fully comprehensive and flexible; it covers all practicalities and can be tailored to suit your needs. You can use this Fixed-Term Contract to employ staff for specific projects or for a specific time.

Please note that workers don’t count as fixed-term employees if they:

  • have a contract with an agency rather than the company they’re working for;
  • are a student or trainee on a work-experience placement;
  • are working under a ‘contract of apprenticeship’; and
  • are a member of the armed forces

It is a requirement under the Employment Rights Act 1996 for Employers to provide their Employees with a written statement of their main terms and conditions of employment. This must be provided within 8 weeks starting from the commencement of Employment. This Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract contains all the main terms and conditions required under the Act.

This Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract contains the following clauses/provisions:

  1. Commencement
  2. Job Title and Description
  3. Place of Work
  4. Hours of Work
  5. Remuneration
  6. Holidays
  7. Absence and Sick Pay
  8. Notice
  9. Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
  10. Maternity and Paternity Leave
  11. Additional Policies
  12. Pension Scheme
  13. Collective Agreements
  14. Changes to Your Terms of Employment
  15. Confidentiality
  16. Alcohol and Drugs
  17. Property
  18. Anti-bribery
  19. Third Party Rights
  20. Personal Information
  21. Governing Law

This Part Time Fixed Term Employment Contract is in Microsoft Word format, written in plain English, easy to use and edit.

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With our Check My Template Service, a lawyer will check over your edited document to ensure the information you added is correct and the document is complete, legally binding and will achieve your goals. We will also check that your use of defined terms is correct and consistent and correct spelling mistakes, so that you can be confident that your edited document template is ready for signature.

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