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Website Advertising Terms and Conditions


The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions should be used by publishers wanting to enter into contracts with advertisers where they provide advertisers with space on their websites and/or online publications in consideration for the advertisers agreeing to pay the required fees.

  • Professionally Drafted & Regularly Updated
  • Written in Plain English – Easy to Use & Edit
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Instant download with guidance notes

The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions should be used by publishers wanting to enter into contracts with advertisers where they provide advertisers with space on their websites and/or other online publications in consideration for the advertisers agreeing to pay the required fees.

The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions can be incorporated into any website/online publication and are accepted by advertisers when they place an order for advertisement.

The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions have been drafted to protect the interests of the publisher, rather than the advertiser. This document is biased in favour of the publisher rather than the advertiser since it contains provisions where the advertiser gives various warranties in relation to the advertisements and agrees to indemnify the publisher for any breach of warranties and other provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions.

In general, the advertiser warrants that:

  • the advertisements are legal, decent, honest and truthful;
  • the advertisements comply with the relevant Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing and all other relevant codes and are not in breach of any relevant legislation or regulation, which applies to specific advertisers, products or services;
  • the advertisements will not breach any contract with a third party or infringe any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right of any third party or otherwise be unlawful or render the publisher liable to any proceedings, claims, demands, costs or expenses or any other loss whatsoever;
  • the advertiser has all necessary rights, licences and consents to incorporate or to allow the incorporation by the publisher of the advertisement.

Also, the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher and keep it indemnified at all times against all claims, proceedings, demands, damages, liabilities, costs, expenses or any other loss whatsoever arising in connection with or further to the advertisement and any breach of the advertiser’s obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

On the other hand, the publisher warrants that it shall provide the advertising service with reasonable care and skill in a professional and timely manner and in-line with the specification. However, the publisher does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted access by users of the sites but will use reasonable efforts to provide this.

Furthermore, the publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an advertisement, or to omit, suspend or change the position of any advertisement accepted at its sole discretion. Also, the publisher reserves the right to remove advertisements immediately and without notice for what it considers justifiable legal reasons or on receipt of justifiable complaints. These are only some of the provisions included in the Website Advertising Terms and Conditions. This document is fully comprehensive and complies with all current UK legislation and applicable codes including the British Code of Advertising Practice and other codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority.

The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions document is in substance the same as the Website Advertising Agreement, both documents are legally binding and provide the same level of protection, the only difference is in their format. The Terms and Conditions are little less formal than the Agreement as they have been designed for incorporation into a website or online publication. The Website Advertising Agreement is in traditional form and should be signed in hard copies by both parties to the agreement.

The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions contain the following clauses:

  1. General
  2. Application of these Terms and Conditions
  3. Acceptance of the Advertisement and Booking Orders
  4. Rights and Obligations of the Advertiser
  5. Rights and Obligations of the Publisher
  6. Advertiser's Warranties and Indemnities
  7. Liability of the Publisher
  8. Payment Terms
  9. Cancellation
  10. Termination
  11. Notices
  12. Assignment
  13. Waiver
  14. Severance
  15. Third Parties
  16. Entire Agreement
  17. No Partnership
  18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction


The Website Advertising Terms and Conditions  template is in Microsoft Word format, written in plain English, easy to use and edit.

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